originally published on Mesh Blog.

In the wake of Tethys*

I woke up at the bottom of the sea -
cavity of echoes, ripples of skin.
At the bottom, a fractal body of bodies
trilling a vicinity of flirts
to whom gravity is voices.

The i woke up, a drone drowning
in an ascendence to the past
the now has been moved by then
audacious fluids of longing.

The bottom was perhaps just
an undercurrent of ones
solidarity shared between grains
sanding the pitch for
another mental household.

There, there the sea is always waking
up at the bottom
errant thrill voiced by
time traveling through
water modifying cells
anywhere their boundaries scream
‘Move somewhere!’

In a polyrhythmic silence the placing is paced
slight gaps in between the which
the see and the eye are her wake.

To bottom in the waking up of the sea
but the fluids are long gone
the wet now is an erosion of thirst
its frictions are sedimented selves
they render the Is of the fossilised
inside a notion of there,
where perhaps their bodies demanded
to be afloat according to logic other than when.

There, the sea, and its bottom
grace on top of grace within the given
their timbre emulated organs
positions for asking the soles of theirs-
Can you here the ear?
This foam of postures adrift by our lunar kink
inside which the bottom has become a will
future tensed by fresh past arriving
during the wake of the up by the bottom and its sea
we, edging a triangular were
poised to model a mesh simulating your other tale
And our baggage – a beg to become
perpendicular to the plane of twisting -
has been textured as distilled time
rocks spooned by the had been of the liquid.

*Tethys is believed to had been a body of water roaming between the two continents Laurasia and Gondwana around 200 million years ago. It had covered, amongst other areas, what is now the Negev/an-Naqab desert in the south of Israel-Palestine, a desert inhabited also by marine fossils dated back to that period. Tethys was named after the Titan Tethys who in the Greek Mythology was the mother of the gods of the rivers and of the Oceanid nymphs. It is needless to say that an-Naqab desert is not a desolated land but rather the dwelling place of an ecology of bodies. Amongst them are the Bedouin

communities that face the constant threat of dispossession and land grabbing by the Israeli government.

In the wake of Tethys (2022)

© Guy Ronen 2023